15 Feb
15 Feb
2:26 p.m.
A clever yet simple solution. Works well so far. Thnx to you and Eckhart for this! Idris
Actually, Eckhart Guthöhrlein came up with a suggestion a week or so ago that does this. He had:
\def\citeplus[#1][#2][#3]{% {% \setupcite[#1][right={, #3)}]% \cite[#1][#2]% }% }
I simplified it to something like:
\def\citepage[#1][#2]{% {% \setupcite[authoryears][right={, #2)}]% \cite[authoryears][#1]% }% }
And it is used something like this: \citepage[McAd:84][pp.~4--6]