12 Sep
12 Sep
8:09 a.m.
Hi Peter
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 01:21:26 +0200 From: Peter Schorsch
Subject: [NTG-context] currentheadnumber / doif.. problem To: ntg-context@ntg.nl Hi,
I tried to get the full present heading-number. If I am using currentnumber I am getting back only the last part of the heading-number. So I tried do implement a function like this:
... I don't have much time to investigate properly but there should be a \complexheadnumber defined in core-sec which gives you what you need. This should be tied to \headnumber though, so if that doesn't work it may be to do with where or how you are using the command. Do you have a complete minimal example document?