Dear juh,
juh via ntg-context
great to hear that, as my cooperative uses pandoc to produce print stuff with ConTeXt, we are always happy, when there are improvements.
I'd love to learn more about your workflow, if you have time to share at some point! We chose ConTeXt as the intermediate format for the next iteration of the JOSS pipeline (the current pipeline is described here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK579698/) Big thanks to Denis Maier for convincing me to try and go that route :)
Am Sun, Jun 05, 2022 at 09:07:37AM +0200 schrieb Albert Krewinkel via ntg-context:
2. Similarly, I'd like to start wrapping paragraphs with `\startparagraph`/`\stopparagraph`. It is important for me to get properly tagged PDF, but this would also make the output more verbose. Is that something that you would find bothering, or do you see adding the extra environment by default as an acceptable practice?
A similiary question came up in the org-mode mailinglist some weeks ago.
(Background: Org-mode is a markup used with Emacs to make single source publishing possible)
Someone who maintains an export programme for ConTeXt uses sectionlevels.
You get the incremental subsections and subsubsection like this.
\startsectionlevel \startsectionlevel \startsectionlevel \stopsectionlevel \stopsectionlevel \stopsectionlevel
This makes it possible to ignore the part-chapter-section naming convention and be more flexible. You can leave it to the style files to decide which level is a part, chapter, section etc...
As I do not use this in production – only playing around with emacs and org-mode – I cannot say if this is a good way.
Have you considered sectionlevel? What is your opinion?
I absolutely see the appeal of that method, and I'd like for pandoc to support it. The main question is probably whether the default should be `\startsection` or `\startsectionlevel`. I lean towards making `\startsectionlevel` the new default, but that might need some more discussing. I think Denis linked to the respective GitHub issue in his mail, more comments and opinions are definitely welcome. -- Albert Krewinkel GPG: 8eed e3e2 e8c5 6f18 81fe e836 388d c0b2 1f63 1124