Hello, I want to report two bugs in the latest beta of context mkiv. When I typeset the following example, I get the sectionnumber 1 for the second subsection. I would expect the sectionnumber 2.0.1 for that subsection. This problem (wrong sectionnumber) also appears in the table of contents. \starttext \chapter{A Chapter} \section{A Section} \subsection{A Subsection} \chapter{Another Chapter} \subsection{Another Subsection} \stoptext In my attempt to circumvent this problem I tried to write my own table of contents (the number in the headlines were easy to fix) with \writetolist[toc]{number}{text}. But \writetolist seems to be broken, because the sectionnumber is missing. As an minimal example you can use the example from the context-wiki: \definelist[Reprints][criterium=all] \starttext \section{Sec 1} \writetolist[Reprints]{1.}{List entry A}% \writetolist[Reprints]{}{With no number}% \subsection{Subsec 1} \writebetweenlist[Reprints]{\hrule} \writetolist[Reprints]{2.}{List entry B}% \completelist[Reprints] \stoptext As you see, the horizontal line appears at the top of the list and not after the second entry. So there seems to be an additional bug. Sincerely Jannik