David Arnold wrote:
Do you have one metapost file with many figures in it? Is it possible to just compile for the figurein that file that you want?
Usually I have all in one file. You can comment out figures you do not need, using: if false: beginfig(1) ... endfig; .. fi So I normally do that with the first ten when I am working on the eleventh. Later, I just change the 'false' to 'true'. Sometimes metaposts "input" command is handier, but I prefer not to have too many files on disk.
Is there a command that will compile then show the result?
I use ghostscript for preview (gv, actually) or xpdf if there is embedded math/nontrivial text, by running mptopdf first. Like I said before: my setup is not hightech at all. Cheers, Taco