Dear ConTeXt mailing list, I've been struggling with loading the sqlite external lua library. I tried the following: 1. Instaling the system package and running ConTeXt with the `--permitloadlib` option (I am running Manjaro, an arch-linux derivative: https://archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/sqlite/) 2. Installing the luarocks package (https://luarocks.org/modules/dougcurrie/lsqlite3) for the 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 lua versions. I also tried to symlink the files in $HOME/.luarocks/lib/lua/{version}/lsqlite3.so to the project directory 3. I tried also setting the relevant lua paths with `eval $(luarocks path)`. The compilation always fails with an error that context can't locate the sqlite3 library. How can I load data from sqlite database during context compilation? As an MWE, I am adding the example in the documentation for the interaction with sqlite from the context garden (https://www.pragma-ade.nl/general/manuals/sql-mkiv.pdf): ```tex \starttext \startluacode require("util-sql") utilities.sql.setmethod("sqlite") require("util-sql-loggers") local loggers = utilities.sql.loggers local presets = { -- method = "sqlite", database = "loggertest", datatable = "loggers", id = "loggers", } os.remove("loggertest.db") -- start fresh local db = loggers.createdb(presets) loggers.save(db, { -- variant 1: data subtable type = "error", action = "process", data = { filename = "test-1", message = "whatever a" } } ) loggers.save(db, { -- variant 2: flat table type = "warning", action = "process", filename = "test-2", message = "whatever b" } ) local result = loggers.collect(db, { start = { day = 1, month = 1, year = 2016, }, stop = { day = 31, month = 12, year = 2116, }, limit = 1000000, -- type = "error", action = "process" }) context.starttabulate { "||||||" } for i=1,#result do local r = result[i] context.NC() context(r.time) context.NC() context(r.type) context.NC() context(r.action) if r.data then context.NC() context(r.data.filename) context.NC() context(r.data.message) else context.NC() context.NC() end context.NC() context.NR() end context.stoptabulate() -- local result = loggers.cleanup(db, { -- before = { -- day = 1, -- month = 1, -- year = 2117, -- }, -- }) \stopluacode \stoptext ``` I am sorry for the poor quality of the example, but I don't know how to add an attachment to a message in a mailing list. I have found a few references on the web and on this mailing list (https://mailman.ntg.nl/archives/list/ntg-context@ntg.nl/message/IDZBJQIXG3JI...), but I wasn't able to figure out what I could be doing wrong. I found a reference that the issue might be a version mismatch, so I tested multiple lua versions. My project is about using multiple data sources in multiple formats and creating reports from them. I know I will definitely need to load YAML as well (with the `lyaml` luarocks package I guess). There's always the alternative of trying to use other programs to get the data, but I was wondering if I could leverage ConTeXt to do that directly. Thank you for any guidance on this, and I hope this message is not too long ...