6 May
6 May
2:51 p.m.
Hi! Is there a possibility to create 'et~al.' in a listed publication in the publication list? In my bbl file there is an entry: \startpublication[k=Assafiri:2003mv,t=article, a={Assafiri et~al.},y=2003, n=49,s=Ass03] \artauthor[]{Y.}[Y.]{}{Assafiri} \artauthor[]{}[]{}{others} \pubyear{2003} \arttitle{{Double $\pi^0$ photoproduction on the proton at GRAAL}} \journal{Phys. Rev. Lett.} \volume{90} \pages{222001} \stoppublication In the publication list this will be: Ass03 Assafiri, Y. and others, (2003). Double ... photoproduction on the proton at GRAAL. Phys. Rev. Lett., 90:222001. I would like to replace "and others" by "et~al.". Best regards Michael