On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 22:21:15 +0100
andrea valle
(I'm sorry, Hans, Taco, I' ve already sent it, always with some posting problems, so there are 2 posts to be approved by moderator: I tried to remove them but the process failed).
Dear ConTeXter,
I'm having some troubles in compiling a document.
I'm writing a short book (a tutorial). I writing each chapter on a separate file, then I have a main file using this kind of structure
\input stile ... \input 00.introduzione \page \input 01.scGrado0 \page \input 02.architettura ...
Where \input is used to insert each chapter.
Also, I'm using a sort of style file defining the setups, and I'm inputting it as the first line of my "main.tex" file.
Some chapters contain long framed \type parts (it's a book on a programming language), filling an entire page. When I compile each chapter file, I have no problem. But I can't compile the main file. ConTeXt keeps on adding blank pages on blank pages (total is approx. 100 pages, I stopped ConTeXt at 635). I guess it could depend on framed \type but can't understand how to solve it. Here one of the most "difficult" files. By itself it compiles properly (perfectly...I like it).
Here the compiled file (it uses a lot of images and other stuff so you can't compile it):
Here the style file:
Here the main file: http://www.semiotiche.it/andrea/membrana/main.tex
Many thanks as usual
Hi Andrea, TeX has problems to find your documents, this is no problem when you compile them alone, but TeX means after the \input command you have a file with the name "00.introduzione" with "00" as filename and "introduzione" as file type. You should try to use something else as seperator between the number and the text in your filenames like "-". You should also try to use ConTeXts own commands for documents structures as Aditya told you in the other post. Wolfgang