On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 06:51 +0200, Philipp Gesang wrote:
(1) I'd like it such that each time I use \cite, the full citation and not just "(Some One, 1967)" appears in a footnote, rather than inline.
You need to clarify two things here:
1 You want to map the “\cite” macro to something like “\footcite”?
Either by mapping \cite, or by using some other macro, yes.
Have you tried something along the lines of this
\let \goodoldcite \cite \unexpanded\def\cite#1{\footnote{\goodoldcite{#1}}}
Yes, it doesn't work though. All I see are footnotes that contain "(Xxxxxxxxxx, 0000)". But maybe I am not using it properly. I just use \cite[reference] and that is what I see.
2 You want “\cite” to retrieve full citations? Assuming this requires that they contain the complete names of authors, editors and stuff, you might be out of luck. Last time I checked this was impossible to realize within the constraints of the bib module: http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20100212.073108.f4699471.en.html
Ouch. So basically no footnote citations like in most of the books I read. You'd think there would just be a \cite[everything] option?
Hth. Anyways, you’re right, the native Context bib support is not really fulfilling.
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