I have a complex document, where I use \startbackground .... \startplacefigure[location={always,none}] ... \stopplacefigure ... \stopbackground (This is for exam solutions and the background is supposed to be a frame around the solution; the figure is a figure included in the solution). Occasionally, some of the floats are not placed in the output. For example $grep float filename.log gives: floatblocks > '1' placed floatblocks > '2' placed floatblocks > '3' placed floatblocks > order disturbed structure > floats > unable to resave float floatblocks > '5' placed floatblocks > '6' placed floatblocks > order disturbed structure > floats > unable to resave float floatblocks > '8' placed So, float 4 and 7 were not saved. It is bit tricky to create a minimal example, but any idea how I can prevent this. I am using version 2015.04.03 Thanks, Aditya