Am 08.05.2012 um 13:17 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 8-5-2012 11:18, Philipp Gesang wrote:
On 2012-05-08 11:07, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 08.05.2012 um 10:35 schrieb Philipp Gesang:
Dear listmates,
I rely on automated uppercasing and lowercasing a lot and I’m very happy with the \words and \WORD macros. But I can’t find a way to properly combine them with the “style” parameter of highlights: it breaks frames and enumerations. Example:
\definehighlight [tolower] [style=\words,] %%% This is problematic. \def\mylower#1{\bgroup\words#1\egroup} %%% The command itself %%% works, though.
FOO \tolower{FOO} FOO\par %%% Works. \framed{BAR \mylower{BAR} BAR} %%% Works. \framed{BAR \tolower{BAR} BAR} %%% Fails. \startitemize %%% Enumerations don’t work either. \item FOO \mylower{FOO} FOO %%% Works. \item FOO \tolower{FOO} FOO %%% Fails. \stopitemize
In short: while I can always wrap it in a \def, the more elegant doesn’t work in all cases. Is there anything wrong with my approach?
You can use
\definehighlight [tolower] [style={\setcharactercasing[2]}]
to create the \tolower command.
Perfect, thanks a lot. So it was caused by the \groupedcommand in the definition of \word.
The next version will support named casing:
WORD word Word Words capitals cap Capitals Cap none random
It would be also useful to change the following line in font-pre.mkiv to use \setcharacterchasing instead of \WORD (won’t work anymore when you remove \groupedcommand from the \WORD as written in the comments in typo-cap.mkiv) \definealternativestyle [\v!WORD] [\WORD] [\WORD] Additional entries for \word, Words etc. in font-pre.mkvi are useful as well because “style=word” looks better than “style={\setcharacterchasing[word]}”. Wolfgang