Hi, The FLOW-chart module is broken at least since the version 22-12-2011 and still is in the version of 23-12-2011. Please refer to the attached chart. The MKIV run stops with the following error: <argument> \doframed [flowcell:\getvariable {flowcell:text}{align}]{\getvari... \firstoftwoarguments #1#2->#1 \@@su:flowcell:text:place:indeed ...:text}{text}}} \endgroup \@@su:flowcell:text:place ...ll:text:place:indeed} \fi \fi \endgroup \next1 #1,->\dosetups {#1} \do_process_comma_item \do_process_comma_list ...m \gobbleoneargument #1, ]\relax \global \advance \... ... l.91 When running MKII on the attached file then I get a flow chart, where the cells are placed correctly. However the comments attached to the decision-cells are misplaced and the two \comment[tr]{Nein} and \comment[rt]{Bed.} are typeset on top of each other (see pdf). Kind regards Willi