I have two questions cencerning metapost/metaplay: 1.) EPS/PDF import How do I make an existing EPS or PDF image a part of some other meta[post/play] graphic? 2.) \underbrace I wrote the following two macros for drawing braces in graphics: \def\underbracedescription#1#2{$\underbrace{\hbox{\vrule width#1 height 0bp}}_{\hbox{\strut #2}}$} \def\rightbracedescription#1#2{$\displaystyle{\left.\vphantom{\hbox{\vrule width0bp height#1 depth#1}}\right\}\hbox{\strut #2}}$} However, the width has to be given manually - it doesn't care about the actual size of the object it has to be applied to. How is it possible to give the command some more flexibility? (say, to be able to simply use \underbracedescription{pict}{description}, perhaps even without the need of specifying the coordinates explicitly, but) Thanks a lot, Mojca Miklavec