On 3. jan. 2007, at 9:41, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Did you uncomment this line in cont-usr.tex:
% \installlanguage [\s!no] [\c!state=\v!start] % norwegian
yes. I've tried with showhyphens, and it seems that certain tricky words are hyphenated correctly. however, ConTeXt no longer hyphenates “psykolog”, and “psykometriker” is hyphenated as psykometrik-er. I use \installlanguage [no] [spacing=broad, leftsentence=, rightsentence=, leftsubsentence=, rightsubsentence=, leftquote=\leftguillemot, rightquote=\rightguillemot, leftquotation=\leftguillemot, rightquotation=\rightguillemot, date={month,\ ,day,{,\ },year}, default=no, state=stop] \language[no] \setuplanguage[no] and get the error message systems : system commands are disabled (/usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.local/tex/context/user/cont-roffe.tex language : patterns for no not loaded check : missing or ungrouped '=' after 'no' in line 25 (@@lano) Line 25 is the first line after \setuplanguage[no] Is this in any way significant? -- Rolf Lindgren roffe@extern.uio.no