Am 05.07.2011 um 17:26 schrieb Bernd Kosubek:
Hraban forces the problem in a wrong way.
I wish the eliminination of the pagebreak after "\stopcolumnset". It is for me not of interest what contents the columns have.
I wish the following:
text text text < flow text text text text xxxxxx xxxxxx < /startcolumnset xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx < /stopcolumnset text text text < flow text text text text
and all of that on the same page by using "columnset".
Is it possible and if true, how is it possible.
You’re trying to solve your problem the wrong. You want according to your example two table side by side at the complete width of the page and the natural way to do is this is to insert a float which spans three columns, inside the float you can then place the two tables with a combination (or a table with two columns). Wolfgang