Wolfgang— I adapted the file that you sent me so that the table extends beyond one page. But, as you will see, the table still prints on just one page. Moreover, if I set split=repeat, the header prints twice (?) more. Alan \showframe \starttext \dorecurse{3}{\input knuth\par} \start \setuptables [bodyfont=9pt, width=\textwidth, rulethickness=0.03em, distance=big, split=yes] \placetable [top,nonumber] [tab:Table03] {Table 3} {\startlocalfootnotes[conversion=character,bodyfont=9pt] \placelegend {\startframedtext[frame=off,offset=none,width=fit] \starttablehead \HL[3] \NC \REF[c]{Column A} \NC \REF[c]{Column B} \NC\SR \HL \stoptablehead \starttable[|p(11.5pc)|p(11.5pc)|] \NC \REF[c]{1[4].341||345 [= F21.82||86]} \NC\REF[c]{6.29.3||4} \NC\SR \NC Text A\note[a] \NC Text B\note[b] \NC\SR \NC \input knuth \NC \NC\AR \NC \NC \input knuth \NC\AR \NC \input knuth \NC \NC\AR \stoptable \stopframedtext} {\footnotetext[a]{A local footnote.} \footnotetext[b]{Another local footnote.} \hskip2pc\mbox{\placelocalfootnotes}} \stoplocalfootnotes} \stop \stoptext