Hans Hagen
On 29-5-2012 19:06, Marco Pessotto wrote:
3. page-imp.mkiv would be the best solution (obviously). I've dug a bit into the code, but I'm in deep waters. I can't understand where the sequence of the pages is defined. the \pusharrangedpageSCHEMA seems just to define the position inside the page, not the sequence of the shipped out page. Also, what are \c_page_marks_nx and \c_page_marks_ny? Any hint about how this machinery works?
You also need a popper as in:
\installpagearrangement 2*8 {\dosetuparrangement{4}{2}{8}{5}{3}% \pusharrangedpageSIXTEEN\poparrangedpagesAB\relax}
how/what depends on the scheme
Hello Hans, thanks for the reply. I looked at the poppers and I can't understand what they do. I think I'll go with the layers solution :-) (I'm good at workarounds and hacking there is an overkill for what I'm trying to do) Best wishes -- Marco