Hi, On Windows, we have the consola font. Consider the MWE: \starttext \definedfont[name:consola*default at 12 pt] - \stoptext The output PDF is correctly generated with recent versions of ConTeXt LMTX. The hyphen is, however, mapped to a soft hyphen https://unicode-table.com/en/00AD/ by means of the ToUnicode table which contains: beginbfchar <015E> <00AD> endbfchar Consequently, when copying the text from the PDF and pasting in an editor or a console, the soft hyphen is pasted. I would like to change the ToUnicode information to an ordinary hyphen-minus https://unicode-table.com/en/002D/: beginbfchar <015E> <002D> endbfchar I have tried with a goodies file, and an updated MWE: --- 8< ------------------------------------------ return { name = "consola", version = "1.00", comment = "", author = "", copyright = "", remapping = { tounicode = true, unicodes = { hyphen = 0x002D, }, }, } --- 8< ------------------------------------------ \definefontfeature[consola][mode=base, goodies=consola, unicoding=yes] \starttypescript[mono][consolas] \definefontsynonym[ConsolasRegular][file:consola][features=consola] \stoptypescript \starttypescript[mono][consolas] \definefontsynonym[Mono][ConsolasRegular] \stoptypescript \definetypeface[Body][tt][mono][consolas][default] \setupbodyfont[Body, ss, 10pt] \starttext \tt - \stoptext --- 8< ------------------------------------------ Unfortunately, this has no effect. Please tell me how to correctly update ToUnicode information with a goodies file. Cheers, Christoph