On 11/20/2013 4:47 PM, Lars Huttar wrote:
However one thing we do miss from columnsets is the control over widows & orphans in two ways: \testcolumn, and \setupcolumnsetlines. \testcolumn[n] allowed us to do a conditional column break, so when we were about to start a new subsection heading, we could prevent it being an orphan at the bottom of the column; and when starting a paragraph with a hangaround graphic framed flushright and bottom, we could similarly use \testcolumn to prevent the graphic from hanging down into the footer (which is what sometimes happened otherwise).
So I'm wondering, is there some way to achieve the equivalent of \testcolumn in mixedcolumns?
Here is a MWE: \starttext \startmixedcolumns[distance=5mm, balance=yes] \dorecurse {20} { \testcolumn[8] \subsection{Subsection Heading} \input knuth \endgraf } \stopmixedcolumns \stoptext You can see that the heading for subsection 6 is an orphan at the bottom of a column (at least, with the paper size settings I have; otherwise, I'm sure it happens somewhere else). If \testcolumn worked, the \testcolumn[8] would have shoved the subsection heading to the next column, because there was not space for 8 lines left in the column at that point. Any thoughts on how to fix this kind of occurrence? Thanks, Lars