23 Jan
23 Jan
11:59 a.m.
Hello, If you run the test case below, once with and once without \statupinteraction[state=start], you realize that this influences the hyphenation. Using interaction, the URL is only hyphenated at '/', '.' etc. Using no interaction, also the words are hyphenated. How can I get also hyphenated words with interaction enabled? ----------------------------------------------------------- \showframe \setupinteraction[state=start] \def\gotoURL#1{\useURL[foo][#1]\goto{\url[foo]}[url(foo)]} \starttext \hskip5cm\gotoURL{http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/SomeVeryVeryVeryLongDirectory/And/AQuiteLongFileName.html} \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------- Regards, Tobias