15 Jul
15 Jul
4:27 p.m.
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Andrea Valle wrote:
Ah, because I was thinking that LuaTeX was like XeTeX, where I can use all the system fonts So, which kind of font files should I consider?
Any font. ... except for those that come with your Mac :) :) :) Well, you can use otf, ttf, pfb, tfm (TeX), ...
What about font files without extension?
I doubt. LuaTeX uses fontforge library to read fonts, so there is no reason why one would not be able to use them, but you would need to lend a Mac to Taco for a few days :) I'm not sure, but ".dfont" looks like AAT format and no extension like Mac-specific way of storing Type 1. Both doable, but someone needs to do that. Mojca