On 1/11/2015 7:04 PM, David Brooks wrote:
Thanks, but if the page width changes the current paragraph's width does not adjust across the page boundary, as seen with:
\setuplayout [width=11cm,height=18cm] \definelayout [odd] [backspace=1cm] \definelayout [even] [backspace=4cm,width=14cm]
\checkcurrentlayout \showframe
\starttext \dorecurse{4} {\input knuth \endgraf \input tufte \endgraf} \stoptext
That is because the paragraph is already typeset .. in principle we can have a simple reflow but then users would ask for more complex things and it would not work OK, thanks. Now I know this, I can adjust tweak content so that
On 12/01/15 7:30 am, Hans Hagen wrote: paragraphs don't flow over a change of page layout. Regards, Dave