Hi Rik,
what do you want to achieve and why do you need a buffer for it?
Fair question.
I have a document with many (400+) block quotations. Each
consists of a text extract, which may be prose or poetry, and
additional optional components (alternate versions or
transliterations, translations, attribution). The optional
components are distinguished typographically – enlarged square
brackets around alternate versions, enlarged parentheses around
translations, leading en-dash and hanging indent for attributions.
Each component is in a buffer. The structure looks like:
and the code to handle it generates author index entries, a quotation precis index, and so on from the attributes of the envelope, and typesets each component based on the provided settings or defaults, placing the appropriate decorations around those components that call for them. The components are nestable, so one extract may contain another, and components can be used separately without the envelope (\startBlockQuotation or \startEpigraph) as well.\startBlockQuotation[label=abc,authors={...},precis={short extract},translators={...},tprecis={{short extract},{short extract}}...]
text of extract
text of transliteration
text of translation
attribution of quotation
\startparagraphbut when this is done with, for example, \startAttribution, and no optional arguments are provided, I run into the problem I have described.
some text