Hello Wolfgang, thanks for your reply. I see that I was not quite clear with my explanation. The situation is the following: in a function which runs over the months of the year at a certain moment I need to insert at the ConTeXt side the monthname. However the monthname returned by the following statement is all lowercase, which is ok for the translation of the labeltext. In the document however I need the labeltext in with a starting uppercase letter. The question is therefor how to achieve this uppercase first letter \startluacode function monthtable(month) local direct = true local nofdays = converters.nofdays(os.date("%Y"),month,direct) direct = false local d = os.date("%B",os.time({year=os.date("%Y"),month= month,day=1})) context.bTABLE({setups="table:month"}) context.bTR({align="middle"}) context.bTD() context.labeltext(d) -- context.labeltext("%s",interfaces.variables.january) context.eTD() context.eTR() for i = 1, 31 do context.bTR() context.bTD() if i < nofdays +1 then context(i) else context() end context.eTD() context.eTR() end context.eTABLE() end \stopluacode \def\maandtabel#1{\ctxlua{monthtable(#1)}} \starttext \maandtabel{2) \stoptext Kind regards Willi On 4 Jul 2011, at 17:41, Wolfgang Schuster wrote: