I think there is a bug in the description system This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10a-devel-2.1 (Web2C 7.3.9) (format=cont-en 2002.11.7) 10 NOV 2002 18:45 ConTeXt ver: 2002.10.11 fmt: 2002.11.7 int: english mes: english ! Undefined control sequence. \@@definitiehanging ...\leftskipadaption \relax \8 ifdim\leftskipadaption =\z... \dodowithpar ...oordefinitie {ahanging}[]{dawkins} #1\@@stopdefinitie {ahanging} l.7 The minimum file that causes this error is ------- \definedescription [ahanging] [location=hanging] \starttext \ahanging{dawkins}\input dawkins\par \stoptext All the other settings for location appear to work. -- Nigel