Am 30.10.2011 um 18:17 schrieb Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد:
On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 10:55:02 -0600, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 30-10-2011 14:58, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
I am porting a huge project from mkii to mkiv and am running into structure problems. I now realize that
- you can run with \enabletrackers[system.jobfiles] - and also see in the log file what structure is loaded (near the end)
When I run the component islamcosmology.tex, I get
ConTeXt ver: 2011.10.10 13:38 MKIV fmt: 2011.10.10
system > files > stop used files
system > structure > start used structure
used structure > text: islamcosmology used structure > component: islamcosmology
system > structure > stop used structure
So it seems that
\product islamwalayah
in islamcosmology.tex is being ignored ... Is it a bug?
Components read project and environment files but not product files because this would end in a loop. Take also a look at Hans magazine about project structure: http://pragma-ade.com/show-mag-13.htm Wolfgang