6 Apr
6 Apr
11:10 p.m.
Am 06.04.10 00:21, schrieb Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini:
I get allways (10 times at least) the same result: ------------------------------------------------------------- \starttext \startluacode math.randomseed(os.time()) \stopluacode
Encode your Name and Surname as a \startluacode local a = {'null-terminated', 'dollar-terminated', 'Pascal'} context('%s string', a[math.random(1,3)]) \stopluacode \stoptext ------------------------------------------------------------- How can I randomize this?
ConTeXt saves the random value in the tuc file to get the same output in each run.
Delete the tuc file with 'context --purgeall'.
This does not work! I get allways the same. And shouldn't the tuc-seed be overwriten from my os.time-seed? Wolfgang