Am 29.06.2009 um 17:31 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
Am 2009-06-29 um 11:51 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster:
\setupletterstyle[reference][ alternative=d, list={name,street,city,,phone,skype,email,,date}, ]
Interesting way to insert empty lines, I never thought about this method and use myself the special key 'line' to insert a empty line.
Woo, I found an accidental feature! ;-)
I would consider this as a ConTeXt feature.
I don't think "line" is documented in your manual.
You're right but it's so boring to write documentation.
Id wouldbe great if you'd also add the label stuff below!
The keys street, city and skype aren't defined in your module. There is *no* predefined keys (except line in the reference line) for \setupletter in my module.
Ok, in the manual it looks like.
You mean because I use always the same keys and all of them work?
the following lines in your document (or add them to label.nle and send me the extended list):
\setuplabeltext[de][letter:skype=Skype] \setuplabeltext[de][letter:street=Stra\ssharp e] \setuplabeltext[de][letter:city=Ort] % or Stadt ... ...
Thank you! I don't think it would make sense to add my personal preferences to the module, just please document this.
E.g. there are just too much IM services to provide them all; I myself use "Address" as label for the street and add the city without label, "Web" instead of "URL" as label for my homepage etc.
I added the missing label from your example to my module, let me know what you think about the labels but 'Address' as label for 'street' is a no go. BTW: Most of the previous labels are taken from scrlttr2, when you want always your own texts you can make a file with the name 'user.nls' and change the label text to your own style.
\setupletter[ Skype={fiee.visuelle} ]
to get just "Skype: fiee.visuelle"?
TeX is case sensitive, write 'skype=fiee.visuelle".
Ok; I wrote the capital intentionally for my suggestion of using the key as label.
Makes no sense because you need then different keys for each language, e.g. telefonnumer=...
More questions will follow... I'll try to get my logo at the right place by myself before...
The module provides a few layers you can use to position your graphic.
I saw that in the manual and wanted to try it on my own first - but thank you very much!
The problem is the module use hard coded background layers and the only option to place logos etc. is to use them.
BTW I tried to come up with measures for Swiss business letters, but only found some advise for secretaries how to write addresses: http://home.intergga.ch/beck/wg/awi/schreibregeln/4_Briefe.pdf My typographical literature is only about Germany. Most swiss business letters are sent in B5 envelopes with a window on the right side - I could meter some "right looking" Swiss letters if you'd like.
Sounds good. Wolfgang