On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 01:46:28PM -0500, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
On Thu, 13 May 2010 10:00:01 -0500, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 13-5-2010 4:32, Khaled Hosny wrote:
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 04:16:12PM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 13-5-2010 3:42, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
\startyoumayignorethis The only thing that really bothers me are so much different vertical differences which show up in almost every document I ever write. MKIV consistently takes more vertical space, so no matter what document I try to recompile, it always ends up with more pages (and some weird page breaks) when processing it with MKIV.
the lineheight relates to the ex height and as in mkiv we don't have the tfm limitations (those 16 values of ht dp) we have slightly different spacing
Something I find very annoying is variable interline spacing, if I've, for example, a line with some Arabic words vocalized I get some times too much white space above it that it almost looks like an empty line. It makes the page look like crap. Is there a way to force fixed interline spacing?
Can you give an example?
turn turn grid on .. but even then, we need some nice heuristic for determing the right ht/dp ratio for arabic (can be set up)
I have some nice texts that illustrate a standard balance, but I'd like to see what Khaled has in mind exactly before I comment further...
Nothing special, I always expect interline space to be fixed, I don't know if TeX always make interline spacing variable, but this wasn't an issue with English text. However, with Arabic, Tashkil marks seems to always cause a noticeable extra whitespace above the line. See the uneven distribution of vertical whitespace in this example (it can be even worse than this in reality): \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[Arabic Typesetting][features=arabic] \starttext \pardir TRT\textdir TRT \dorecurse{10}{\dorecurse{20}{نص عربي } نَصُّ مُشكَّل \dorecurse{20}{نص عربي}} \stoptext Regards, Khaled -- Khaled Hosny Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team Free font developer