On 02/16/2016 05:40 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Volker Mische mailto:volker.mische@gmail.com 16. Februar 2016 um 17:21
Thanks a lot that works.
I've a follow up question. I'd like to wrap the `\setgvariable` in a a paragraph like thing. I found out about annotations, which look like what I've after.
Though sadly I get an error message (! Undefined control sequence) when I use annotations. It works when I hard-code a value within the annotation, but it doesn't if I use the contents of the annotation. I've also tried it the `\placeannotationcontent` way, but there I get the same error. Here's the full example:
\definelayer [pagenumber][width=\overlaywidth,height=\overlayheight] \defineoverlay[pagenumber][{\directsetup{pagenumber}\tightlayer[pagenumber]}]
\startsetups pagenumber \setlayerframed [pagenumber] [preset=rightbottom] {\getvariable{table}{p}} \stopsetups
\usemodule[annotation] \defineannotation [pn] [alternative=command, command=\PageWrapper] Use this defintion for your \startpn … \stoppn command:
\define\startpn {\grabuntil{stoppn}{\setgvariable{table}{p}}}
Thanks for you help. Sadly I can't get it working, even if I hard-code the value of \setgvariable as e.g. \setgvariable{table}{p}{q}. I start to wonder if my whole approach is flawed and if there's a better way to display something absolutely positioned in (the corner of) a table cell that gets defined in the normal flow (just like another paragraph within the cell). Any pointers are welcome, I'm happy to dig deeper myself. Cheers, Volker