Good day! Tried to typeset a document using a template I created using MacTeX 2010. Below are the font setup lines that I used: \definefont[hla][abalone at 10pt] \definefont[hlb][bigcaslon at 10pt] \definebodyfont[9pt,10pt,11pt,12pt][rm,ss,tt,mm][default] \definefontsynonym[Serif][MinionPro-Regular][encoding=utf8] \definefontsynonym[SerifBold][MinionPro-Semibold] \definefontsynonym[SerifItalic][MinionPro-It] \definefontsynonym[SerifBoldItalic][MinionPro-SemiboldIt] \definefontsynonym[SerifCaps][MinionPro-Medium][features=smallcaps] \definetypeface[cb][rm][serif][MinionPro-Regular][default][encoding=utf8] \setupbodyfont[rm,9pt] In MacTeX 2010 and MacTeX 2011, I have no problems typesetting text marked with \hla or \hlb. However, when it comes to the body font, I am only able to successfully typeset using the specified fonts in MacTeX 2010 but not in MacTeX 2011. What happens in MacTeX 2011 is that the body font remains the default modern latin fonts. It seems like \definefontsynonym in MacTeX 2011 does not map the specified font (e.g. MinionPro-Regular) into Serif. As is, the only way I can use system fonts in the body would be to use \definefont definitions of the desired system fonts into \tf, \bf, \it, \bi, etc. tags. Is there a way to go about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. joel mendoza