On Thu, 15 Jan 2009, Duncan Hothersall wrote:
Hello all.
I have adapted a bit of MP code from Aditya from a mailing list message dated 2006-05-19 (http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20060519.214124.9174ac0e.en.html) to ensure that when a page break occurs in a textbackground there is a forced vertical space inside the box at the top of the new page.
This code works fine for me (although interestingly not in the garden):
\startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:myexample} path p; for i = 1 upto nofmultipars : p := multipars[1] topenlarged 8pt bottomenlarged 8pt;
Change this to p := multipars[1] topenlarged 8pt bottomenlarged 8pt cornered 2mm ;
fill p withcolor 0.9white ; draw p withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled \MPvar{linewidth}; endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic
\definetextbackground[ExampleBackground] [mp=mpos:par:myexample,location=paragraph,leftoffset=1em,rightoffset=1em,rulethickness=1pt]
\starttext \input knuth \endgraf \starttextbackground[ExampleBackground] \dorecurse{13}{\input knuth \endgraf} \stoptextbackground \input knuth \endgraf \stoptext
But now I need to make this box have rounded corners, and I am very confused when reading core-pgr.tex because that is a level of MP code I just don't understand.
Look at the metafun manual. The path p is basically a box (whose dimentions are equal to the text on the page, but for metapost this is immaterial) and you wnat to make it have round corners. So you the appropriate metafun transformation (cornered in this case). Aditya