First of all thanks for the advice and sorry for my naïve posting! Here's a test file for what I try to do. The problem is that the page- and linenumbers printed by \placefootnotes all take the values of the last reference. \setupfootnotes[ location=text, numberconversion=empty, paragraph=, ] \newcount\entrycounter \entrycounter=0 \def\appentry#1#2{% \startline[line:\the\entrycounter]% \pagereference[page:\the\entrycounter]% #1% \stopline[line:\the\entrycounter]% \footnote{{\bf \at[page:\the\entrycounter]} \inline[line:\the\entrycounter] #1] #2}}% \advance\entrycounter by1% \starttext\startlinenumbering This is a sample \appentry{paragraph}{om. h1}.\\ An this is another \appentry{one}{sentence}. \stoplinenumbering \bigskip Endnotes \placefootnotes \stoptext
Finally: is the format of your apparatus (endnotes) a requirement? Yes, unfortunately it is.
Thanks again, Daniel