Am 23.12.2009 um 22:23 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
Hello, trying this:
\starttabulate \dorecurse{200}{\NC Eins \recurselevel \NC Zwei \NC Drei \NC\NR\HL} \stoptabulate
I get double HLs, and their distance is growing per page.
In my actual document, double lines start on the second or third page.
Very strange...
Indeed, when I use a penalty > 0 in the rule the output is correct. \unprotected\def\tabulateMLfive{\TABLEnoalign {\dotabulateruleseperator \dotabulaterule \ifnum\noftabulatelines>\plusone \ifnum\noftabulatelines<\minusnoftabulatelines %\vskip\topskip\allowbreak\vskip-\topskip \vskip\topskip\penalty1\vskip-\topskip \vskip-\tabulateparameter\c!rulethickness \dotabulaterule \fi \fi \dotabulateruleseperator}} Wolfgang