On 2013-11-17 Jan Tosovsky wrote:
I am trying to fix a Palatino small caps issue using the procedure explained here: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Palatino_Linotype_under_MKIV
That fix seems to be obsolete nowadays and returning errors.
almost fixed now using this procedure: 1) Create a new LFG file local fix_pala = { comment = "Switching i.sc glyphs indexes", fixes = function(data) local descriptions = data.descriptions descriptions[983201].index = 1170 descriptions[983261].index = 1110 end } return { name = "pala", comment = "Switching the small capped 'i' to a dotless variant in Palatino Linotype.", treatments = { ["pala.ttf"] = fix_pala, ["palai.ttf"] = fix_pala, ["palab.ttf"] = fix_pala, ["palabi.ttf"] = fix_pala, }, } 2) Place it into the folder where other LFG files are stored (tex\texmf-context\tex\context\fonts) 3) Execute 'mtxrun --generate' command to include newly added LFG file into a file database 4) Specify a new font feature referencing to this goodie in the source file: \definefontfeature[dotlessi][mode=base,goodies=pala] \definefontfamily[palatino][rm][Palatino Linotype][features={default,quality,dotlessi}] \setupbodyfont[palatino] \starttext {Athenians \smallcaps{Athenians}}\par {Athenians \sc{Athenians}}\par {\it Athenians \smallcaps{Athenians}}\par {\bf Athenians \smallcaps{Athenians}}\par {\bi Athenians \smallcaps{Athenians}}\par \stoptext 5) Trigger the generating It works except the regular font style. In this case \smallcaps option behaves differently than for e.g. \it or \bf styles. I am quite confused. Moreover, when faked caps are switched on using \sc, it works. Can anybody explain what is happening here? Thanks, Jan