Hi, I am trying to setup a special TOC which should show the version instead of a pagenumber. My approach was to setup newheads with \definehead[][] and defining a new combined list. The struggle is that I can't manage to get the list entries numbered and the lower level listentries are not indented as intended. Could some one give me a clue where I am missing the proper options. Please try the attached minimal file. Tanks and kind regards Willi %test \def\Version{20-01-2005} \definehead[Mypart][part] \setuphead[Mypart][number=yes,placehead=no] \definehead[Mychapter][chapter] \definehead[Mysection][section] \definecombinedlist[Mycontent][Mypart,Mychapter,Mysection] \setuplist[Mycontent] [level=Mypart,pagenumber=no] \setuplist[Mycontent] [level=Mychapter,distance=4em] \setuplist[Mychapter][pagenumber=no] \setuplist[Mysection][pagenumber=no] \starttext \completeMycontent[criterium=all] \expanded{\writetolist[Mypart]{Test Part 1}{}} \dorecurse{3}{% \chapter[Ch-Test]{Test} \expanded{\writetolist[Mychapter]{Test \recurselevel}{\hfill Version:~ \Version}} \input ward } \section{Problems seen:} \startitemize[2,packed] \item With the configuration above, the Mypart has still a pagenumber in the TOC. \item In the \type{\completeMycontent} the chapters are not indented. \item I would expect that the TOC entries would be numbered. \stopitemize \stoptext