25 Nov
25 Nov
6:30 p.m.
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
For what it's worth, I'm now using the following:
\defineframedtext[lepi][align=raggedright,width=fit,offset=0pt,frame=off,location=none] \defineframedtext[repi][align=raggedright,width=fit,offset=0pt,frame=off,location=none] \definepairedbox[lrepi][location={right,top}]
\noindent \startlepi[none] \obeylines {\bf Coordinatore} prof. F.~Nicolosi \stoplepi\hfill\startrepi[none] \obeylines {\bf Tutor} prof. G.~Russo \stoprepi
The [none] spec is required until the location=none specification is fixed :)
TeX does complain about underfull boxes, but the output is just what I need.
ok. to get rid of messages, say \dontcomplain Hans