12 Aug
12 Aug
9:13 a.m.
Oh,sorry. I mean the results of \setresumevalue{mobile}
{mobile(optional)} only “mobile (optional)} ”
missing symbol of mobile(see the picture)So,I have to do use
\setresumevalue{mobile} {\symbol[martinvogel 2][Mobilephone]mobile
(optional)} ,
but the symbol of \symbol[martinvogel 2][FAX] upward bias than the
baseline. The order of \setresumevalue{quote}{Some quote (optional)}
is invalid.
Best regards,
Huang Ze
2010/8/12 Wolfgang Schuster
Am 11.08.10 02:12, schrieb views63:
BTW: In the old version beta some symbol is invalid such as "\setresumevalue{mobile}"
I’m sorry but I don’t know what you mean.