7 Sep
7 Sep
9:35 a.m.
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Than you very much!. An interesting side-effect though. The text that follows remains green, at least untill the end of the page ;) (A workaround is an additional space after the command.)
It needs a bit longer definition of \typeTEX. The next def seems to do it. \def\typeTEX {\bgroup \def\processinlineverbatim##1% {\processingverbatimtrue \localcatcodestrue \def\endofverbatimcommand{\TEXendofcommand##1}% \bgroup \aftergroup\endofverbatimcommand \futurelet\next\doprocessinlineverbatim}% \initializetyping{TEX}% \startverbatimcolor \processinlineverbatim\egroup } Cheers, Taco