At 14:58 18/12/2003, you wrote:
Ok, now I finally figured out what went wrong in my real document: I had first \placebookmarks and then \setupinteraction. It has to be the other way round! Thanks a lot for the hint!
I kept tripping on that one, and I'm not sure I'd agree with the choice made. I agree that it is counter-intuitive that one needs to have \setupinteraction in order to get bookmarks placed. But that the order matters is even worse.
this is one of the few times that order is important; it has to do with the way things are loaded and need to be set up (an alternative could be: \appendtoks ... (place bookmarks) \to \everystarttext but then it may interfere with other things keep in mind that bookmarks are non typographic thingies, and as sucn not part of the page stream
(Playing around with Acrobat 6, I saw that using /C [colorvalues] and /F n, n=1...5, one could even have the bookmark items in color or in italic/bold/..., if one wants to play ...)
some day ... bookmarks will be snippets of typeset text (i hope)
I tested the accented characters again (not including bookmarks): \setupinteraction[state=start,title={F\"ur / Na\"\i ve}] \placebookmarks[chapter] \setupinteractionscreen[option=bookmark] \starttext \chapter{F\"ur / Na\"\i ve} \stoptext
I expect 'Für / Naïve' but I get
a) in the bookmarks: 'Für / Nadobuildtextaccebt char 127 {char "10}ve' b) in the document info dialogue: 'Fdobuildtextaccent char 127 ur / Nadobuildtextaccebt char 127 {char "10}ve'
If I replace {\"\i} by \idiaeresis, nothing changes for \chapter and bookmarks, but I get an error message for 'title='. Puzzled.
hm, make me a small example and i'll have a look Hans