Aditya Mahajan mailto:adityam@umich.edu 20. Juni 2015 18:22 Hi,
How does one control the referenceprefix for floats. I want to refer to the figures as only Fig 1, Fig 2, etc, even when they are numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc. There is a typo in strc-ref.lua which can by fixed by the following changes.
local function getcurrentprefixspec(default) local data = currentreference and currentreference.i local metadata = data and data.metadata print(metatadata and metadata.kind or "?") return - metatadata and metadata.kind or "?", - metatadata and metadata.name or "?", - default or "?" + metadata and metadata.kind or "?", + metadata and metadata.name or "?", + default or "?" end Wolfgang