With the page layout setups I'm using, the first table of contents entry on each page (except for the first page) is formatted as if it were on the preceding page. I assume that the page number is not advancing until some number of objects are placed on the page. When I compiled the example included below, it was the first three entries on each page (after the first page) that were formatted as if they were on the previous page. Related to this, I need "invisible" page numbers on the table of contents pages to enable different formatting by odd/even page number (which I accomplish now by using \phantom as a style command for page numbering), but I'd like for the page numbering of the body matter to start at 1. Also, how can I number the front matter backward? Like: xi, x, ix, viii, vii, vi, v, iv, iii, ii, i. \def\SectionListEntry#1#2#3% { \noindent \noexpand{\ifodd\pageno \simplealignedbox{left}{.63667\textwidth}{#2} \simplealignedbox{middle}{.06\textwidth}{·} \simplealignedbox{right}{.30333\textwidth}{#3} \else \simplealignedbox{left}{.30333\textwidth}{#3} \simplealignedbox{middle}{.06\textwidth}{·} \simplealignedbox{right}{.63667\textwidth}{#2} \fi} \par\blank } \setuplist[section] [alternative=command, command=\SectionListEntry] \def\TableOfContents% { \page[empty] \page[odd] \setuppagenumbering[style=command, command=\phantom] \setuppagenumber[state=start] \placelist[section] \setuppagenumber[state=stop] \page[empty] \page[odd] } \startfrontmatter \TableOfContents \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \setuppagenumber[state=start] \dorecurse{45}{\section{Section title}\input tufte} \stopbodymatter Thanks, Scott ----- This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the writer's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coïncidental.