Hi Aditya, Philipp and all, thank you very much for your interesting ideas! As far as I understood, your starting point is to avoid "%" being treated as "comment" ... This is nice for controlled situations. But in real life projects there are many, various situations where the "%" is used and needed as "comment"! Isn't there a way to treat "%" as a regular character dedicated in the \hyphenatedurl{} environment only?? Steffen PS @ Philipp: Using "*" as line comment would start the problem again, as "*" is also a valid part of URL addresses ... of course we need to keep a character for comment. Am 26.10.2010 um 00:49 schrieb Philipp Gesang:
Hi Aditya, Steffen and others,
I was toying around with catcode tables too. Shouldn’t it suffice to simply change % to ‘other’? This way you can keep the dollar style math.
\unprotect \newcatcodetable \urlcatcodes % ordinary \ctxcatcodes except for minor changes \startcatcodetable \urlcatcodes \catcode`\^^I = 10 \catcode`\^^M = 5 \catcode`\^^L = 5 \catcode`\ = 10 \catcode`\^^Z = 9 \catcode`\\ = 0 \catcode`\{ = 1 \catcode`\} = 2 \catcode`\$ = 3 \catcode`\& = 4 \catcode`\# = 6 \catcode`\^ = 7 \catcode`\_ = 8 \catcode`\~ = 13 \catcode`\| = 13 \catcode`\% = \@@other \catcode`\* = \@@comment % comment this out if you don’t need line comments \stopcatcodetable
\bgroup TEST \setcatcodetable \urlcatcodes \hyphenatedurl{www.test%it.com} * this should be treated as comment \footnote{ \hyphenatedurl{www.test%it.com} } Math mode: $(x)(y)\,(Fx\,.\,x=y\,.\supset\,Fy)$ TEST \egroup