On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 23:20, Christopher G D Tipper wrote:
I am a user of Context from the old days, and usually don't need much help installing the software. However, I am needing to use Contextminimals for the first time, as Miktex 2.8 has dropped Context support.
My problem is that I have a lot of my own setups and personal fonts and Contextminimals seems to have some problem dealing with local setups. I am using MkII by the way but these problems seem to exist in MkIV also.
I have a font, Univers, installed to texmf-local with texfont and Context claims it cannot find the font definitions.
running texexec I get the following:
!pdfTeX error: pdftex.exe (file 8r-raw-punr8a): Font 8r-raw-punr8a at 432 not found ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! TeXExec | runtime: 10.311
Hello Christopher, You may try one thing before starting the struggle with files. Can you try to put all the files that you need in current directory (the one from where you need to compile your document)? If that works then there's indeed a problem with TeX trees. If not, there might even be a problem with files themselves or with typescripts. (It looks like you have used the files before, but an extra check would not hurt.) It could be that some map file is missing or has not been properly generated. TeXfont might be a bit buggy. Mojca