On Tue, 7 Aug 2018, Alan Braslau wrote:
You can also use MetaPost to render math stackers, rather than relying on TeX constructs and any particular font.
For example:
\definemathstackers [mp] [alternative=mp]
\definemathextensible [mp] [leftarrow] ["2190] \definemathextensible [mp] [rightarrow] ["2192] \definemathextensible [mp] [leftrightarrow] ["2194] \definemathextensible [mp] [longleftrightarrow] ["27F7] \definemathextensible [mp] [rightoverleftarrow] ["21C4] \definemathextensible [mp] [underbrace] ["FE3DF]
\setupbodyfont [dejavu-condensed,12pt]
\starttext $\rightarrow{≠a}$ \stoptext
Furthermore, the MP arrow can be tuned
ahlength := .5EmWidth ; ahvariant := 1 ; % dimpled straight
as can line widths, etc.
Shouldn't we use a dedicated MP instance for stackers? Aditya