Thank you for helping Janko,
... really simple to make XHTML from HTML? ... practically it can be a huge effort.
THAT effort does not put me off at all ...
How to style output? A tool can decide with the help of the css definitions in the tags which layout macros it should use.
That layout macros you're talking about: are they capable to separate content from layout in ConTeXt, too? By it's own means? So, IS it actually possible to directly transform CSS into ConTeXt layout macros and let the XHTML untouched? I agree, that XHTML might be too complex, but with some pre-print tidy up complexity can be reduced very well. Unfortunately I've no idea yet what to do with all that scripting stuff in pages. Anyway, there's also be the problem to establish a page model within XHTML.
... I do not think, that this approach is the equivilant to the print function of the modern browsers.
After all, I dare say you're right (sigh). It's an illusion to introduce real typesetting here, is it? Best regards, Thomas Schrader -- mailto laborator at web de