Le 10 févr. 2010 à 09:33, Hans Hagen a écrit:
On 10-2-2010 9:22, Peter Münster wrote:
At some point, someone should decide, what is triggered by \mainlanguage[fr] and what is provided by such french-module.
For me, "\setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation]" is the border case.
the problem is that there's always a dominant language in a document and i think it's not a good idea to have french punctuation in a french quotation in an english text even if it's doable
If I get you right, does it mean that if I want to write a bilingual, say french/english, document, I can't use \setcharacterspacing[frenchpunctuation] and have to deal with punctuation issues manually for both languages ? -- Sébastien Mengin Édition et logiciels libres < Mise en page avec LaTeX > http://edilibre.net