On 01/13/2015 10:43 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hi, I wish the second frameis centered with the first frame. I guess this is the figure that prevents this. However, even by reducing the value of u, it does not work. Best regards, Fabrice
Hi Fabrice, I think that the figure gives a different width to center the frame. Reducing the value of u to 0.175cm does work (although this is almost useless :-)). An xtable may do what you need: %~ \showframe \definecolor[Border][c=0.00, m=0.00, y=0.00, k=0.25] \defineframed [Myframed] [width=0.6\textwidth, foregroundstyle={\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}, align={high,flushleft}, frame=off, framecolor=0.625white, background=borderline, ] \definefiller[dots][left=\dontleavehmode,right=\hskip\zeropoint\par] \starttext \startuniqueMPgraphic{borderline} path p ; p := unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight ; draw p withcolor \MPcolor{Border} dashed evenly withpen pencircle scaled 1.2pt ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[borderline][\uniqueMPgraphic{borderline}] \startxtable[frame=off] \startxrow \startxcell[align=normal] Compléter chacun des algorithmes ci-dessous afin qu'ils affichent en \unit{square meter}, puis en hectares, la superficie d'un terrain rectangulaire de longueur $L$ mètres et de largeur $l$ mètres, saisies en entrée. \stopxcell \startxcell \switchtobodyfont[7pt] \startMPcode numeric u; u=0.7cm; z0=(0,0) ; z1=(2.5u,0) ; z2=(2.5u,2.5u) ; z3=(0,2.5u) ; z4=(-0.2u,0) ; z5=(-0.2u,2.5u) ; z6=(0,2.7u) ; z7=(2.5u,2.7u) ; z8=(1.25u,1.25u) ; drawdblarrow z4--z5 ; drawdblarrow z6--z7 ; fill z0--z1--z2--z3--cycle withcolor green ; draw z0--z1--z2--z3--cycle ; label.top("\unit{100 meter}",0.5[z6,z7]) ; label.lft("\unit{100 meter}",0.5[z4,z5]) ; \stopMPcode \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \startbuffer \input knuth \stopbuffer \blank[big] \startmidaligned \Myframed{\getbuffer} \stopmidaligned \startbuffer \input ward \stopbuffer \blank[big] \startmidaligned \Myframed{\getbuffer} \stopmidaligned \stoptext I hope it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk