13 Mar
13 Mar
6:29 p.m.
Am 13.03.10 17:59, schrieb Andreas Harder:
I've played with it, but with \TestLookup{familyname=minionpro,designsize=11pt} no fonts are found.
Values are passed from to to Lua as string and the size is a number, what i do is to ask for the font only and loop where i check the size of the font. \dorecurse {\dolookupnoffound} {\dolookupgetkeyofindex{designsize}{\recurselevel}} % minsize, maxsize Fonts use a different system for the size a value of 100 stands for 10pt, 120 for 12pt etc. You should be also know that fonts are not perfect and in *many* cases fonts without optical size use '0' as value for the size.
By the way, is luaTeX able to use ttc-fonts?
Yes but a few fonts in snow leopard have problems. Wolfgang