Hi, I've been playing around with 'marginnote' layout similar to tufte's books. The main thing that I can't figure out is how to centre figures that extend into the margin. These should take over the whole page, but the content of the figure should be centred, which is normally the case in normal figures. Below is my try of defining a marginnote that does this, by calculating the textarea size and setting the width to that. However, I can't seem to then figure out how to center the externalfigure inside of the figure. Thanks in advance! Yann \useMPlibrary[dum] \setuplayout[ edgedistance=1cm, backspace=2cm, rightmargin=4.5cm, leftmargin=0cm, topspace=1cm, header=1cm, footer=1cm, headerdistance=0.5cm, width=fit, height=fit, ] \newdimen\LeftMarginSize \LeftMarginSize=\dimexpr \backspace + \rightmarginwidth + \rightmargindistance \relax \newdimen\TextAreaSize \TextAreaSize=\dimexpr \textwidth + \rightmarginwidth + \rightmargindistance \relax \definefloat[marginfigure][marginfigures][figure] \setupfloat[marginfigure][location=inner,default=top,width=\TextAreaSize] \setupcaptions[marginfigure][ leftmargin=\dimexpr \LeftMarginSize / 2 \relax, location=bottom, width=\textwidth, ] \setuplabeltext[marginfigure=Figure~] \showframe \starttext \startplacemarginfigure \externalfigure[][width=13cm] \stopplacemarginfigure \stoptext -- Yann Herklotz https://yannherklotz.com